Why Metamorphosis?

What to Expect and Who is it for?
I have been on a whirlwind promotional tour for the past several months sharing the message of Metamorphosis with media outlets, radio, television, newspapers and magazines. God has blessed us with the opportunity to reach a number of women. Repeatedly I have been asked two questions that are so important. Let me share:

Who is Metamorphosis for? I always respond that Metamorphosis is for any woman desiring a change in life or facing a change in life. Let’s face it – nothing stays the same. People get new jobs, lose old jobs, get married, some get divorced, some care for aging parents, others have newborns, some begin new businesses, others move into new neighborhoods… Things can change quickly. There are some things happen to us and other things we must learn to make happen. If you are dealing with a major shift in your life, let us inspire you to embrace life’s change and to make the best of it. Perhaps you recognize that in order for you to change something that you must do something different, let us inspire you to ignite that change in your life!

What should women expect who attend Metamorphosis? You should expect to be challenged with this: Where are you in life? Should you be doing more or something else? It is easy to settle for mediocrity. But God has greatness in store for your life! Why do you settle? Because too often we don’t realize there is something better and we don’t believe that we can attain it. Whether it is that things are seem good and you don’t want to “rock the boat,” or that you don't feel challenged, or don’t want to make the sacrifice to change, you should realize that you aren’t living to your full potential. And when we recognize that there is more, our desires should shift to gaining and climbing higher.

With being challenged, your mindset is opened to what other possibilities may be in store. At our Empowerment Seminars, we will give examples of people who are achieving their life’s purpose. Both women and men will present this year. One woman created her business from a need that she personally had and has become one of the nations leading authorities on natural hair care. Several others discovered the power in their voice and are using their influence to make a change for their communities. Another woman embraced the depth of God’s grace to make a major lifestyle shift and to live life without condemnation. You too will sense that living on purpose is better than settling without it!

A men’s panel will give you honest answers about relationships, not the church responses but truthful answers on how men think about us! It will be eye opening and can be life changing on how women approach relationships.

We are also hosting a seminar on the topic of infertility to make you aware that you do have options and there is hope! What many people don’t know is that I suffered from infertility. I know the pain and disappointment, the tremendous let down that repeatedly occurs after weeks of praying and planning. The discouragement that comes from external sources and internal thoughts can truly be disheartening. But to know that there is hope is good news! We have made this seminar open and free to anyone interested in attending (women and men). Just let us know you are coming by signing up here: https://mymetamorphosis.wufoo.com/forms/yes-i-want-to-attend-the-rinovum-session/

All of the wonderful life changes couldn’t be possible if you do not believe in the power to make changes. The truth is that we cannot do it on our own. We cannot make a life change without the Creator who is all-powerful. Our Metamorphosis keynote speakers, Pastor Sheryl Brady, Dr. Elaine Flake and Dr. Gina Stewart have one mission in front of them - to help you recognize and know the most powerful change agent ever – God who is able to meet your need, perform miracles and to transform your mind and circumstance no matter where you are in life! You can expect powerful and anointed messages to inspire you in your journey.

What to expect? Expect a life shift. Expect a challenge. Expect a change in how you view life, others and the power of God at work in you. EXPECT to LIVE YOUR CHANGE!

See you next Wednesday as we kick off our 15th Anniversary of the life changing Metamorphosis Conference!

Thursday is “Throwback Thursday” so please wear a past Metamorphosis T-shirt!

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